Effect of position in operative period of children cleft palate repair on the process 幼儿唇腭裂修补术期体位对手术进程的影响
Objective: To improve safety and viability of one time operation in the therapy of cleft lip and palate and cleft alveolar process. 目的:探讨婴儿期一次性手术修复完全性唇腭裂及牙槽突裂的安全性与可能性。
The primary healing on tissue defect of hard palate occurred in 29 patients, secondary healing occurred in 3 patients, permanent fistula between the oral cavity and the nasal cavity occurred in only one patients, and 3 patients left over fistula on alveolar process. 硬腭部创口一期愈合30例,二期愈合3例,1例遗留永久性的口鼻瘘,3例存在口腔前庭瘘。
One-time Operation in Infant Cleft Lip and Palate Plus Alveolar Process 婴儿期一次性手术整复完全性唇腭裂及牙槽突裂
Methods: Puppies were used to build the model of palate bone defects. The experimental process was checked by general histological examination, fluorescence microscopy, X-ray and scanning electron microscopy at different time. 方法:建立幼犬腭部骨缺损实验动物模型,应用常规组织学检查术、免疫荧光显微法、X线及扫描电子显微术在实验过程的不同阶段进行观察研究。
Methods: Under the air vein anesthesia, one time operations were performed in 42 patients with complete cleft lip and palate plus cleft alveolar process. 方法:在气体-静脉复合麻醉下,对42例婴儿完全性唇腭裂及牙槽突裂施行一次性手术整复。
Results Complete cleft palate was diagnosed in 4 cases by ultrasonography, all of which were accompanied with complete cleft lip and alveolar process. Incomplete cleft palate were missed in 2 cases. 结果超声诊断完全性腭裂4例,均伴发完全性唇裂及牙槽突裂,漏诊不完全性腭裂2例。
Conclusion: The proliferation of mesenchymal cells of the early developmental palate process may be inhibited due to the abnomal PCD in the formation of cleft palate. 结论:在腭突发育时期出现超出生理范围的细胞程序死亡,影响腭突以后形态、体积的发育,与腭裂形成有密切关系。
Conclusion: Under the control of provisioned pediatric anesthesia and rehabilitation, one time complete cleft lip and palate plus cleft alveolar process closure is safe and viable. 结论:在专业小儿麻醉及复苏技术保障下,婴儿期一次性手术整复完全性唇腭裂及牙槽突裂是安全可行的。
Families with cleft lip and palate children face many psychological and social needs in the process of children growing up. 唇腭裂患儿及家庭在患儿成长过程中面临许多心理和社会需求。